
Exhibition displays relics of historic State of Qi

An exhibition of State Qi culture and history has officially kicked off on Thursday in Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province.

It is the first such exhibition lasting from July 16 to October 16 with the theme of State Qi culture and history, which displays 194 groups (pieces) of rare ancient relics including bronze, pottery and jade wares collected and kept by seven museums in Shandong province and Shanghai and Beijing municipalities.

State Qi, located in Shandong province in ancient times, was one of the 7 major states in the late Zhou Dynasty (11 century to 771 BC) with a history of more than 800 years. It was destroyed by State Qin which built a unified China in 221 BC. State Qi had a significant position in the Warring States Period (770 – 221 BC) and the rich philosophical thinking generated by Qi people played a vital role in the national development of a unified China.

The exhibition consists of 5 parts which tell in detail the development of State Qi and shows the unique charm of Qi culture with its precious, irreplaceable relics.




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